Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cashmere Council delays building inspector decision, approves road project


CASHMERE — In a meeting marked by postponed decisions and infrastructure approvals, the Cashmere City Council grappled with issues ranging from building inspections to tree removal during their July 8 meeting.

In the absence of Mayor Jim Fletcher, Council member Chris Carlson presided over the brief session.

The council unanimously voted to postpone a decision on awarding a contract to BLADES Code Services for building inspections. Council members sought clarification on billing details, particularly concerning travel expenses from the company's Ephrata location. The need for a contract inspector arose following the resignation of the city's Permit Specialist, Tammy Miller.

In infrastructure news, the council approved a $17,334 bid from Quality Paving for an asphalt overlay project on East Prospect Street. The bid was the lowest among five submitted proposals.

Council member John Perry expressed concerns about the recent removal of trees on Division Street in front of an apartment construction site. When Perry inquired about the reason for the removal, Director of Operations Steve Croci referred him to discuss the matter with the mayor.

The council also addressed the potential sale of the current library building once operations relocate to the Riverside Center. While Mayor Fletcher had suggested obtaining an official appraisal, Council member Jeff Johnson proposed seeking free market analyses from local realtors as an alternative.

In other business, the council approved the surplus of an unused recycling trailer and excess items from the Riverside Center.


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