Saturday, September 7, 2024

New law requires job postings to include how much positions pay


TUMWATER — A new state law taking effect Jan. 1 requires employers to include specific wage or salary details and a description of benefits when they post a job opportunity. To make sure businesses know exactly what’s required, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) is rolling out detailed information and examples and has published a new policy to help employers meet the new standard.

The administrative policy connected with Senate Bill 5761, adopted in 2022, provides examples of what pay information employers must include, and explains which job postings have to meet the new requirements.

Ver más abajo para esta información en español.

“Pay transparency is important to eliminating gender-based pay discrepancies,” said Celeste Monahan, assistant director for Fraud Prevention and Labor Standards. “This policy offers employers important guidance examples so they can meet these requirements.”

“We’ve developed real-life examples, so employers and workers know exactly what to expect,” said Bryan Templeton, Employment Standards program manager. “We’re here to help employers meet the requirements and to ensure job-seekers know exactly what they’re getting into before they apply.”

Webinars provide more information

To provide further information about the requirements, L&I’s Employment Standards program is holding free webinars. Employers can sign up for a session on the agency’s Workshops and Training Center web page. The webinar schedule is Dec. 21 at 2 p.m., Dec. 22 at 9 a.m., Jan. 12 at 9 a.m. Feb. 9 at 2 p.m.

Webinar topics include What constitutes a job posting, what information must be included in a job posting, what constitutes a wage scale or salary range as well as benefits and other compensation. Participants will also learn about free consultations the program offers employers. The job posting requirements are part of the state’s gender discrimination law. The act prohibits pay discrimination based on gender and promotes fairness among workers by addressing business practices that contribute to income disparities. Employees and job applicants have rights under this law.The policy also provides guidance on the department’s existing interpretations of the act.



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