Every Wednesday from now through June, Wenatchee Valley College will host Welcome Wednesdays on the Wenatchee campus for new and returning students, their families and community members. Students can get hands-on support with registration, advising, financial aid and more. These events are free and open to all WVC students and anyone curious about enrolling at WVC.
Visitors and students can drop in between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to meet with WVC staff, and faculty.
They can get help with:
• Admissions and placement at WVC, including help applying and scheduling a placement test for English and math classes.
• Financial Aid, including help with the FAFSA and WASFA application process.
• WVC resources, including an overview of WVC resources such as academic support, student groups and more.
• WVC programs, including an overview of WVC academic programs, with information about what areas of study WVC offers the difference between different two- and four-year degrees, and more.
Career Services and advising for undecided students, including using career interest assessment resources, reviewing results with students and discussing their options for college. For more information, call the public information office at 509-682-6420.
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